By choosing to do a demonstration speech on oatmeal raisin cookies I thought it was original because most people don’t know how to make oatmeal raisin cookies or have never tried them, and especially by showing the class a homemade recipe it gave a nice alternative.
When I was watching my presentation over online there was parts of it I l thought I did well on, and parts that I thought I didn’t do so well on. Some critique’s I had of myself was that I stuttered too much; this was partially because I was nervous and kind of scared of being on stage. This also led to myself saying “um” quite a few times and overusing my hands. I thought that it would be been beneficial for me during my speech to make more eye contact with the audience to make everyone more comfortable to ask questions at the end if they wanted to, which is something else that I forgot to do. These are all pretty nit-picky critiques about myself but all in all I thought I was engaged in the presentation.
What I especially liked about my presentation was that I talked loud; some of the people that did their presentations didn’t talk very loud which led me to not get a full glimpse of what they wanted everyone to get out of their presentation. My power point presentation was a good visual to show everyone how making the cookies what it looked like making them from a home. Having pictures of me making cookies at my home allowed me to also explain that people can have fun with a recipe and change ingredients to what they want
In my introduction and conclusion what I was trying to convey to the class was that cookie’s can be an enjoyable experience that can bring a family together, and as long as that is what the class took away from my presentation, then I met my goal.